Message to Clients:

Services Now Being Offered through Telehealth During Challenging Times

Dear Clients,

Over the past few months, you and I have had to navigate tough, unprecedented, never imaginable times with the COVID-19 pandemic. Our priority is the health and safety of our clients, their families, and our clinical staff. With all of you in mind and in our hearts, we extend our deepest sympathy to those affected by this virus and condolences to those who have lost loved ones to the virus.

In light of current medical and public concerns, we wanted to update you on the steps we are taking to ensure the health and safety of all of our clients and families at Blue Dove Rehabilitation Inc., as well as our partners and supporters. We remain committed to continuity of care by providing authorized services through a telehealth platform.

To minimize the spread of COVID-19, we are practicing social distancing, with staff working remotely at this time of great challenge.

We are continuing to follow the directives and guidance of the CDC, the World Health Organization, state and local agencies related to how we operate services, as we continue to quarantine.

I must add that we are all living in very stressful, unsettling times, filled with fear and anxiety not just from COVID-19, but from the racial inequities which are the ubiquitous virus responsible for the past and present deaths of innocent Black men, women and children across the country. Racial inequality is the leading cause of the health care disparity in the U.S. Our hearts and condolences go out to all of the families affected, including the family of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Robert Fuller, Malcolm Harsch, Rayshard Brooks, and James Scurlock.

Blue Dove Rehab, Inc. stands in solidarity with fellow Americans grieving and peacefully protesting to demand positive change against racial injustices and police brutality. Black lives matter very much and always have.

We will continue to adjust, accommodate and adapt to efficiently and effectively meet the needs of our clients and staff and we will communicate with you as new developments arise.

From all of us at Blue Dove Rehabilitation, Inc., we wish humanity Safety, health, love and light.


Lauren Kawasaki

Director and CEO

Blue Dove Rehabilitation, Inc.

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