
Message to Clients:

Services Now Being Offered through Telehealth During Challenging Times Dear Clients, Over the past few months, you and I have had to navigate tough, unprecedented, never imaginable times with the COVID-19 pandemic. Our priority is the health and safety of our clients, their families, and our clinical staff. With all of you in mind and …

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“Picture This!”

Chen W, Ye Q. Ji X, Zhang S, YangX, Zhou Q. Cong F, Chen W, Zhang X, Zhang B, Xia Y, Yuan T-F and Shan C (2015). Mirror neuron system-based therapy for aphasia rehabilitation. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1665. Remember those Super-Duper Publication picture cards in your drawer? Have you ever sat down, and actually …

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“How Should I Talk to My Child?”

Rowe, M. (2012). A longitudinal investigation of the role of quantity and quality of child-directed speech in vocabulary development. Child Development, 83, 1762-1774. When my daughter was a about three and a half, I distinctly remember walking into a conversation between she and her father while they were playing Barbies. Sitting on the living room …

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Socializing for Seniors

“Socializing for Seniors” Bielak, A. A. M., Mogle, J., & Sliwinski, M. J. (2017). What did you do today? Variability in daily activities is related to variability in daily cognitive performance. The Journals of Gerontology (00), 1-8. Auntie Bee, who is 89 years old, still dances hula with the recreation center class, loves to crack …

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